Turn Your Diabetes Around With Keto Diet

If you or someone you care about has recently been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you may be in a dilemma.

What does this imply for the future? Is your metabolism irreparably damaged? Is it repairable? Will you be able to spend time with your loved ones? You’re thinking about important things. So, perhaps for the first time in your life, you’re ready to prioritise your health.

As a result, you’re thinking about going Keto. You’ve heard anecdotal and scientific evidence that you can turn your pre and type-2 diabetes around with a keto diet or even reverse the condition. You’re still sceptical. That’s completely understandable. There are numerous fad diets available, and it is best to avoid them.

However, based on the data, Keto Diet does not qualify as a fad. Multiple randomised controlled trials indicate that it can help with diabetes via various mechanisms. Randomised controlled trials are also known as the gold standard in testing in medical science.

‘Keto Diabetics’ brings to you this article to explain how the keto diet can assist you in managing or even reversing your diabetes. You will understand how a low-carb diet is a right move for you.

turn diabetes around with keto diet

Knowing Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes Type 2 is a metabolic disorder characterised by elevated blood sugar and insulin levels. Obesity frequently increases the various risks of type 2 diabetes. These include factors such high blood pressure and triglyceride levels. This state of metabolic disorder is also referred to as a metabolic syndrome.

When someone has type 2 diabetes, their risk of chronic disease skyrockets. This then increases the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and a variety of other degenerative conditions.

Type 2 diabetes is fundamentally a problem with insulin function. Insulin is in charge of your blood sugar levels. It is released by the pancreas after eating. Insulin helps us store excess blood sugar (usually from carbohydrate digestion) as glycogen (stored glucose) or fat.

However, if your blood sugar levels continue to rise (due to a high-carb diet), your glycogen storage capacity in muscle and liver tissue quickly fills up. This is much like an overhead compartment stuffed with luggage. As a result, when you overeat calories or simple carbs, insulin has only one place to dump the excess sugar, and that’s into the belly as body fat.

To put it another way, the cells that normally store blood sugar are unable to do so. This happens as glycogen stop responding to insulin. They simply cannot hold any more of it! Fat cells, on the other hand, can. This is known as insulin resistance, and it is the root cause of type 2 diabetes. Read about how the Diabetic Keto Diet helps with diabetic insulin resistencw here. When someone is insulin resistant, their blood sugar and insulin levels remain high – resulting in runaway fat storage.

The Underlying Cause of Insulin Resistance in Type-2 Diabetes?

Diet and lifestyle are the most critical factors. A “standard diet,” which is high in nutrient-deficient, high-carbohydrate foods like processed sugars and grains, combined with the sedentary lifestyle practised by millions of us is to be blamed here. 

A “standard diet” and sedentary lifestyle frequently result in weight gain and obesity. This has dangerous and damaging inflammatory effects on the body. This also affects metabolic processes, including insulin resistance, which may lead to a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

The Ketogenic diet for Diabetes (or Keto diet) is a high-fat, low-carb eating regime in which you consume 60-70% of your calories as fat, 20-30% as protein, and 5-10% as carbohydrates. Maintaining these macronutrient ratios trains your metabolism to enter a fat-burning state known as ketosis.

Consider ketosis to be the inverse of diabetes. Instead of promoting high blood sugar, ketosis is generally characterised by low blood sugar that is maintained within a healthy range. The same is true for insulin and the resulting fat-storage mode.

turn diabetes around

Clinical Evidence for Diabetes Reversal with Keto

Now is the time to look over some hard evidence. Here is a small but informative sample of research indicating that Keto can reverse Type-2 diabetes:

  • The Virta Health Research: For a year, researchers put 218 types 2 diabetics on a Keto diet. By the end of the study, 60% of participants had reversed their diabetes (as measured by HbA1c reductions) and lost an average of 30.4 pounds. Surprisingly, 94% reduced or discontinued insulin therapy.
  • The Nutrition and Metabolism Research: A total of 84 types 2 diabetics were randomly assigned to either the low-carb Keto diet or a calorie-restricted, higher-carb diet. When compared to the higher-carb group, Keto dieters had significant improvements in blood sugar, insulin, and body weight after 24 weeks.
  • The Report of Agreement: Low-carb diets were named the nutritional intervention with the “most evidence” for improving blood sugar levels in diabetic populations in a recent consensus report published in the journal Diabetes Care.
turn around diabetes

There are other examples, but the conclusion is fairly clear: the customised Keto Diabetic diet is extremely promising for reversing type-2 diabetes. Get in touch with experienced Keto experts at ‘Keto Diabetics’ to know more about how to turn your pre and type-2 diabetes around with the keto diet!

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